Free SCIS Workshops for Parents and Caregivers

Creating Safe and Inclusive Schools and Communities Presented by Harmony Movement, in partnership with the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) and Waterloo Catholic District School Board. We are pleased to offer these workshops for families on a variety of topics! Here is what you can expect: Interactive and engaging content Learn skills to enhance […]

Students Sell Butterfly Cookies to Support KidsAbility

kids Ability (website)

Arts Night

Please plan on coming to our arts night on April 27th. Come and hear our primary and junior/intermediate choirs perform for you! Following this you will be able to go on a gallery walk to view student artworks posted throughout the school.  Join us in celebrating the arts at Floradale P.S Parents/guardians with a child […]

PIC Family Event Fast Approaching!

For the fifth year in a row, the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) and the Waterloo Region Assembly of Public School Councils (WRAPSC) is hosting their free annual family event for parents, guardians and the community! The theme for this year’s parent conference is Strengthening Family-School Relationships – Achieving Excellence and Well-being for all Students. REGISTER NOW! Date: […]

Reminder – Chess Tournament this coming Monday, April 4th

Today Mr. Kovac met with the players who will be representing Floradale in the Waterloo Regional Chess Challenge.  Our students are excited about going and were reminded to bring a lunch and water and money if they want to purchase anything from the tuck shop and to be here by 7:50 am in order to […]

Floradale Arts Night – Wed. April 27th

Attention Parents/Guardians and family members.  Mark the date in your calendars!  Floradale is having an Arts Night. We invite you to join us in the gymnasium for a concert which will begin at 6:45 pm.  Following this, please join your child/children by participating in a gallery walk of visual art projects completed by students.  These displays […]

Safe, Caring & Inclusive School Surveys are Here!

Safe, Caring & Inclusive School surveys are important tools which help schools assess the current culture within a school. The survey for parents and guardians, captures perceptions from students, parents, and staff relating to issues such as character development, equity and inclusion, safe schools, and variables that contribute to a healthy school environment. Please take the […]

Quilts for the Special Care Nursery


Info. and dates about Pita Pit orders

Thank you to everyone who ordered pitas for April, May and June.  Lists are posted in all classrooms with the dates your child will be getting a pita.  If you forget which dates you ordered for, please have your child refer to the list in their classroom.  If your child did not order a pita(s), […]

Arts Club for Students in Gr. 4-8

A meeting will be held today for all students in grade 4-8 who would like to participate in an arts club.

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