PA Day – Friday, February 26

This is a reminder of our scheduled Professional Activity (PA) Day this Friday – Friday, February 26, 2016. There will be no school for WRDSB students. This additional day was added to the calendar recently as a result of recent labour settlements. All of our teaching and support staff will be busy meeting in their schools. […]

Waterloo Region Chess Challenge

Floradale Chess Players have been practicing their skills in order to get ready for an important and exciting event.  Several times a week, players gather at nutrition break and play chess with each other, practice their moves and learn the rules of the game. The high point of the ‘Chess Club’ events will be a regional tournament. Qualifiers […]

2016-17 Budget Consultation Survey

Calling all students, parents and community members! Have a say in our budget process! Which funding priorities do you think the Board should consider for the 2016-17 school year, and beyond? Respond to the short 2016-17 Budget Consultation Survey to help us identify which areas are important to our WRDSB community. Please keep in mind: the WRDSB […]

2015 Director’s Annual Report

The 2015 Director’s Annual Report is now available! Each year, the Director is required to submit a report to the Ontario Ministry of Education, highlighting the achievements of the past year. Our Annual Report gives the local community a snap shot at what students and staff have achieved. Awards, good news stories and achievements in learning […]

Elmira Poultry Fundraiser

Our second ‘Chicken Fundraiser’ is underway. Orders are due February 12th, and delivery is scheduled for March 4th. Click the link for the order form. E 2015-2016 Product Info-Sell Sheet

Internet Safety Presentation

Internet Safety Floradale P.S. Library Monday, March 7th 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Join us for an informative presentation. Click here for Internet Safety presentation information.

Family Skating Party Postponed

The mild weather this last week has forced the postponement of our ‘Family Skating Party’ which was scheduled for Friday, February 5th. The new date is Friday, February 12th – once again, weather permitting. We look forward to seeing you all then.  

Dairy Educator Visit

On Feb. 9th our primary students will be receving a presentation from the Dairy Farmers of Ontario.  These fun, interactive activities are designed to help students develop the knowledge and skills to become informed decision-makers.

Libby Barrie visits from Woolwich Community Services

Libby typically books school visits annually.  In the past she has focused on bullying and relationships.  This year she will focus on resiliency and prevention factors.  The students enjoy hearing from her interactive presentations.

Addition of PA Day for 2015-16 School Year

As a result of recent labour agreements, an additional Professional Activity Day (PA Day) has been added to the 2015-2016 School Year Calendar for both elementary and secondary students. Trustees approved Friday, February 26, 2016 as the additional PA Day, at the January Board Meeting. School administrators are presently reviewing school activities planned for February […]

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