Random Acts of Kindness Day is Nov. 7th

Join us in celebrating Random Acts of Kindness.  For more informtion visit the Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation website.

Fall Fun Day

Students are excited about our upcoming fall fun day!  We are considering the date to be either Oct. 30th or 31st (due to a potential scheduling conflict).  Some families have raised the idea of their child/children wearing a ‘costume’ for the portion of time that we have this fall fair and Mr. Kovac is surveying families […]

Fundraising Information

Click the link below to see the fundraising information letter sent home by our School Council: Fundraising letter You can also read more about our current fundraising by going to the “School Council” tab located on our Home Page. Then click on the “Fundraising” link located on the left side of the page.

Thanksgiving at Floradale!

The tradition of having a thanksgiving meal all together as one community has been shared on the board’s website.  Check it out at: www.wrdsb.ca/blog/2014/10/15/floradale-ps-gives-thanks/    

Anxiety and Self-Esteem Groups – a few spots still available

The Woolwich Counselling Centre is presenting 2 programs designed for children dealing with anxiety and self-esteem issues. “Glad to Be Me” is a program focused on children ages 4-7. It is a fun-filled children’s program with activities designed to increase self-esteem. 6 sessions from 5-6pm beginning on October 21 and running until May 26. Fee: $15/session. […]

Fall Food Drive – Update

Our goal this year was to gather at least 2 items per student at Floradale. This year we gathered over 900 items which far exceeds our goal. Way to go Falcons! All donations will go to the Woolwich Community Centre Food Bank. Thank you to all of the families that supported our Food Drive and helped […]

Turkey Dinner – Thank you!

On Wednesday October 8th, Floradale staff and students along with some special guests, were treated to a delicious “Turkey Dinner”. We would like to extend a very big “Thank You” to the families that helped to prepare, serve and clean up this special lunch. We are very thankful to be Floradale Falcons!

Fire Prevention Week – October 6th – 10th

“Working smoke alarms save lives.  Test yours every month.” The Floradale Station of the Township of Woolwich Fire Department is holding their annual Fire Prevention Open House on Friday October 10th from 5:00pm – 8:30pm.  Come and enjoy sausage on a bun, hotdogs and other delicious food items for sale.  There will be demonstrations and […]

When weather turns for the worse

If you are a student or staff member at Floradale you will have heard Mr. Kovac discuss the potential for weather to turn for the worse and the precautions you should take.  With recent events bringing the message close to home please revisit your safety plans with your family in the event they get caught out […]

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