Summary of our Severe Weather Procedure

We, at Floradale P. S are committed to your child’s safety and the information contained here is meant to provide a summary but is not meant to replace the board’s procedure.  Parents/guardians are asked to visit the board website and search for Administrative Procedure 4130 to review the document in its entirety.

As most of our students are bused to school and home each day it is imperative for parents/guardians to remember that you are responsible for your child until he/she is picked up by the bus.  There have been a few situations where, for different reasons the bus did not make it to a stop; so you need to have a plan for that.

Every attempt will be made to make a decision about school/bus cancellations by 6:00 am.  Please listen to your local news and follow the board/school website for information.  Although buses may be cancelled, our school may remain open.  In this case it is up to parents/guardians to decide if they wish to bring (and pick up) their child to and from school on that day.

When school buses are cancelled it is a general rule that all off-campus trips are canceled unless the board decides the weather will improve and the trip can go ahead.

Children may be excused from school if severe weather is such that parents/guardians consider their children’s safety to be endangered.

For more information refer to procedure 4130 or call Mr. Kovac at the school at 519-669-5193.